Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) & Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF)
LCAP & LCFF Overview
The 91社区 submits its annual LCAP to the California Department of Education by July 1 of each year. The plan details our district's goals and specific steps to accomplishing them, including how we will apply LCFF funding to meet those goals.
California's 2013-2014 Budget Act included landmark legislation that greatly simplifies the state's school finance system. The Local Control Funding Formula is the method that California uses to fund its public schools. Under the new funding rules, school districts are required to adopt Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAP) that describes the actions, services and expenditures that support student growth. The LCAP clarifies how programs/services will be measurably improved in quantity or quality, proportionate to the increase in funding. It also requires the engagement of parents, staff, students and other educational partners in the building of the LCAP. The LCAP is a three-year plan that was initially adopted by July 1, 2014, and is updated each year.
The law specifies eight areas of student achievement, school improvement and metrics associated with them that districts must address. The State Board has grouped the eight priorities into three categories; Basic Conditions, Pupil Outcomes and Engagement. Districts must address the priorities for all students and for student subgroups, particularly low-income, English learners and foster youth. Under LCFF, California funds school districts, charter schools, and county offices of education equally per student with adjustments based on grade levels and demographic characteristics. LCFF replaces complexity in favor of equity, transparency, and performance.
91社区LCAP Goals
The 91社区 has identified 3 main goals to accomplish through our Local Control and Accountability Plan:
- Increase the percentage of students who have the skills and knowledge to graduate from high school prepared for success in college and/or career.
- Provide an engaging, clean, healthy, and physically and emotionally safe environment to support learning at the highest levels.
- Enhance parent and community engagement and communication.
For more information, please visit the California Department of Education (CDE) webpages: